
Veterinarian-approved deworming medication is the safest and most effective way to combat worms.

Deworming helps your pet get rid of any external or internal parasites that might be negatively impacting their health. Deworming not only protects your pet against unwanted parasites but also your entire family. Some parasites that infect pets also impact the most vulnerable in your household, including children, seniors, pregnant and immuno-compromised people.

Why is deworming important?

Preventative healthcare is at the core of our practice, which includes measures like deworming your furry friend. Parasite infections can be extremely detrimental to their health so we want to take steps to make sure your pet is parasite-free. Though you might be able to see some parasites in their poop, others are not so easily detectable to the naked eye. Deworming helps remove the parasites you can and cannot see.

How often should my pet be dewormed?

Puppies and kittens need to be dewormed a lot more often than older pets. Since their mom passes down parasites to them, it’s important to have them dewormed at least bi-weekly until they’re 3 months-old. After that, the frequency your pet will need to be dewormed depends on factors like the area you live in, their risk of exposure to certain parasites and if they travel or are in new environments frequently. Our veterinary team will create a deworming schedule that best suits your pet’s needs. Please contact our team at 403-934-3311 if your pet is due to be dewormed.

How else can I pest-proof my pet?

Though no single preventative measure is 100% effective, when combined with other measures, your pet stands a better chance of not being infected by a parasite. A few things you can do at home include:

  • Ensuring you’re getting rid of feces properly
  • Washing your hands after handling your pet’s waste
  • Covering areas like gardens where parasites tend to breed
  • Giving your pet their parasite preventive as prescribed
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