Spaying and Neutering

Spaying and neutering provide numerous benefits, including improved health and behaviour.

Spaying or neutering your pet not only limits the overpopulation of puppies and kittens but also supports your pet’s reproductive health. This is a safe procedure that we recommend to help curb unexpected pet pregnancies, as well as the amount of furry friends that end up in shelters each year.

Why should I get my pet spayed and neutered?

It’s proven that pets who are spayed and neutered live longer lives than those who aren’t. Apart of adding a few years to your pet’s life, the procedure also reduces the risk of diseases like urine, mammary gland, testicle, prostate and other reproductive cancers. Any behavioural changes that happen while your pet is in heat, like frequent roaming, whining or clinginess will also be curbed. In addition, the most widely known benefit is your pet will no longer be able to mother or father a litter of kittens or puppies. Pregnancy can be very taxing on your female pet’s body so this procedure helps to support not only their health but their wellbeing. The earlier you’re able to spay/neuter your pet, the better.

How do you make sure my pet is safe during surgery?

Before the procedure, our veterinary team will walk through it with you to ensure you’re aware of everything that will happen on the operating table. We know you might feel anxious about dropping your pet off for this procedure so we want to do everything we can to ensure you and your pet are comfortable. For male pets, we make an incision near their scrotum to remove their testicles. For female pets, we make an incision in their stomach to remove the ovaries and uterus. Since your pet will be under anesthetic, we will do pre-anesthetic blood tests as well as closely monitoring your pet’s vitals throughout the procedure to ensure their responding well throughout.

How should I take care of them after the procedure?

Our veterinary team will provide detailed instructions about your pet’s post-surgery care. Some of this might include ensuring your pet has a quiet place to recover indoors, preventing them from doing any physical activity like running or jumping, checking the incision site daily and making sure your pet doesn’t lick it. If you have questions about your pet’s post-surgery care, please contact us at 403-934-3311.

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