Weight Management for Pets

Weight management is a safe and effective way to help your loyal companion shed extra pounds.

Overweight pets have a range of health concerns that impact their quality of life. Pets who are overweight tend to have shorter lifespans because they are more susceptible to diseases like heart disease or diabetes. We want to ensure your pet is not only living a long life, but a healthy one. Please contact us if you’re concerned about your pet’s weight at 403-934-3311.

How can weight management help my pet?

A lot more pets are overweight than pet owners even notice. The best ways to know if your pet is overweight or obese is to schedule an appointment with our team to assess their metrics. Even a few extra pounds can put your furry family member at risk of developing more serious health conditions. Most overweight pets are highly likely to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease and some cancers. Weight management provides support for your pet to not only lose excess weight, but also maintain a healthier lifestyle long term.

What does it involve?

First, weight management involves our veterinary team determining your pet’s ideal weight, based on their size and breed. Next, we’ll co-create a plan that identifies their daily calorie intake as well as other healthy habits like reducing treats and incorporating more physical activity or play to promote weight loss. Even after your pet reaches their goal weight, it’s important to continue supporting them to maintain their healthy weight.

What are healthy pet treats?

We know it can be tempting to reward your pet with unhealthy, processed treats. Some treats you can incorporate into your furry friend’s diet, that you might already have at home, are:

  • Broccoli
  • Apples
  • Green peas
  • Carrots
  • Watermelon
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